Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mighty Morphin' Coding Rangers

Trouble at the Coding Rangers HQ!!!

The Coding Rangers, formed on the first day of class and baptized two days later (thanks to Chris), announced that they are still looking for 2-3 members to join them.

And now 2-3 members have! The problem: yours truly have NO IDEA who these 2-3 members are. She suspects someone does, but no one is speaking up--YET.

The Coding Rangers are a group of OOP344 students who will be working together (OPEN SOURCE!) on a yet-to-be-determined project. They are an amalgamation of two pre-existing groups: Annie, Chris, and yours truly, and Dachuan and Shengwei. Strangers to each other still, they have yet to really communicate.

Stay tuned! See how this level 1 Communication Failure will be resolved (or not resolved--uh-oh!).

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